Closeup shot of female body. Liposuction and healthy lifestyle, weight loss concept.
Advice CentreMummy Makeover

11 benefits of the mummy makeover surgery | Reclaim your pre-baby body

Published by Elena Prousskaia Elena Prousskaia
Closeup shot of female body. Liposuction and healthy lifestyle, weight loss concept.
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Women are blessed to be able to welcome new life into the world; however, the journey of pregnancy and childbirth has a huge impact on your body even after recovery. Most new mums grieve the loss of their pre-baby body, but you don’t have to.

A transformative new surgical procedure called the Mummy Makeover helps mums like you reclaim body confidence. The Mummy Makeover is a comprehensive set of cosmetic procedures addressing the physical changes resulting from pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This article explores the transformative benefits of the Mummy Makeover. We will discuss the procedures involved and the remarkable possibilities they offer. Furthermore, we will touch upon the key considerations to help you determine if a Mummy Makeover is the right choice for you.

Understanding the Mummy Makeover surgery

Every mum’s experience with pregnancy and childbirth differs, so the plastic surgeon tailors the Mummy Makeover surgery to the patient’s unique requirements. Mummy Makeovers help to restore your pre-pregnancy body. An experienced cosmetic surgeon will tighten the abdominal muscles, restore breast lift, and reduce excess body fat, stretch marks and loose skin.

Although every surgical procedure is unique, they usually involve a combination of surgeries such as an Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck), Breast Lift and/or a Breast Augmentation, Breast Asymmetry Surgery, or Liposuction. Non-invasive skin-tightening can help restore the youthful appearance of skin.

Combining multiple procedures into a single plastic surgery offers many advantages. However, selecting a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon is crucial for the success of your makeover. Look for board-certified surgeons with extensive experience in performing these procedures and ensure open communication and trust throughout the process. Get an idea of the possibilities with Elena Prousskaia’s before and after photos. Alternatively, read about what your own Mummy Makeover transformation could look like.

How can you benefit from the Mummy Makeover?

1. Reduce excess fat deposits in the tummy and flanks

Pregnancy can lead to stubborn fat deposits in the midsection; you’ll surely understand the challenge of achieving your dream body with diet and exercise alone. The Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck and Liposuction (post-pregnancy fat removal) procedures help narrow the waistline and create a flatter stomach.

A mother holding her young child. She is happy and confident showing her post-pregnancy body.

2. Reduce sagging breasts and improve breast size and symmetry

Breastfeeding and hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause sagging breasts, you’ll often lose or gain breast volume. Breast asymmetry may also become emphasised after a baby. Fortunately, cosmetic surgery can restore youthful boobs using asymmetry correction, breast lift and enlargement (Mastopexy and breast augmentation) or Breast Reduction.

3. Remove stretch marks and loose skin

Stretch marks are a common concern after pregnancy too. The Tummy Tuck can eliminate some of your most severe stretch marks. Non-surgical interventions can also help reduce the appearance of stretch marks, tighten the skin and boost collagen formation. The result is tighter and more youthful-looking skin.

4. Tighten the abdominal muscles

Diastasis recti is a condition where the abdominal muscles separate during pregnancy, leading to a tummy pouch that’s very difficult to lose. During the Tummy Tuck, a skilled plastic surgeon can repair these muscles and restore a flatter, more toned abdomen.

5. Improve skin tightness with non-surgical procedures

Non-invasive body contouring treatments like radiofrequency, ultrasound and microwave therapy can be used in the Mummy Makeover to enhance skin tightness, restoring youthful elasticity and body shape.

6. Restore your pre-pregnancy confidence

We understand there is more to body image than being happy with your reflection. However, restoring your pre-baby body can help you regain lost confidence. You’ll finally feel comfortable in your own skin and get back to doing the things you used to love – after a full recovery from your Mummy Makeover, of course.

7. Boost mental health, well-being and motivation

Feeling comfortable in your own skin will positively impact your mental health. Moreover, your Mummy Makeover procedure will encourage you to lead a healthy lifestyle and set a good example for the rest of the family.

Benefits of the Mummy Makeover procedure

8. Multiple procedures in one

By combining several procedures, the Mummy Makeover minimises the number of visits to the hospital and the overall recovery time – it’s the ideal solution for busy mums.

Want to transform your baby body? The Mummy Makeover is the cosmetic solution for busy mums

Start your mummy makeover treatment journey today

9. Discreet scarring along the bikini line and breast crease

A skilled plastic surgeon, such as Elena Prousskaia, can strategically place surgical incisions in inconspicuous areas along the bikini line for an Abdominoplasty and in the breast crease for a Breast augmentation.

10. Combine cosmetic surgery with non-invasive procedures

The Mummy Makeover can be customised to your needs to include both surgical and non-invasive treatments. For example, you may find skin-tightening beneficial to supplement Liposuction. Non-surgical interventions may also help reduce the necessity for invasive cosmetic surgery.

11. Results all at once can help to give you a new lease on life

The transformative results achieved with a Mummy Makeover can be life-changing, empowering women to embrace their post-pregnancy bodies with renewed enthusiasm and confidence.

The woman on the left has experienced physical changes after pregnancy and childbirth. On the right, Elena Prousskaia has corrected her overhanging tummy, tightened the abdominal muscles and given her a breast lift and reduction.

Is the mummy makeover right for you?

You should consider your lifestyle before deciding to get such an extensive procedure. Firstly, consider whether you can maintain the results from the Mummy Makeover, whether you’ve exhausted alternative options and whether you have considered the potential risks of the procedure. If your response is ‘yes’ to the following statements, you may be suitable for the Mummy Makeover.

  • You are willing to make significant lifestyle changes to maintain your results

  • You are planning to have no more children

  • You can afford to change your schedule for several months to recover from the procedure

  • You have struggled to change your body with diet and exercise alone

  • You didn’t get the results you wanted from non-invasive treatments alone

  • You have a BMI of 35 or less

  • You are a non-smoker

  • You can comfortably finance the Mummy Makeover procedure.

Are you ready to restore your pre-pregnancy body?

Book a Mummy Makeover Consulation today!

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The Mummy Makeover is a comprehensive surgery involving many different procedures; read about finance options here

Frequently Asked Questions

It is advisable to make a full recovery from childbirth and finish breastfeeding before considering the mummy makeover.

We advise that you take 4-6 weeks off work to recover from the Mummy Makeover procedure. You’ll need plenty of rest to recover from such an extensive surgery. If you have an entirely remote role, 2 weeks off may be sufficient.

Not at all. However, having children after the surgery may reverse the procedure’s results.

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