Woman with beautiful breast on pink background
Advice CentreBreast SurgeryBreast Lift

How much does a breast lift cost?

Published by Elena Prousskaia Elena Prousskaia
Woman with beautiful breast on pink background
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Patients must ensure good value without compromising on the quality of plastic surgery and the aesthetic outcome. The cost of breast uplift surgery ranges drastically – it’s tempting to visit the clinic with the cheapest offering or even travel abroad for the procedure. However, failing to consider the quality of care you’re paying for could put you in danger of unsatisfactory results, or even surgical complications. After all, you want flawless results if you’re investing in cosmetic surgery.

Weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding and age can all cause breast drooping and a loss of confidence over time. Regardless of age, every woman deserves a body they feel amazing in. Breast lift surgery is an effective and permanent way to get the perfect boobs. You could be closer than you think to restoring youthful and feminine breasts. Learn about breast lift costs.

What’s the average cost of a breast lift?

A breast lift usually costs between £7,000-£10,000; the cost depends on the type of procedure you want, the appearance you prefer and your unique starting point. With decades of experience in transforming lives, no case is too complex for Elena Prousskaia and her team of plastic surgeons.

Visit our price guide for more information

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Breast lift patient

Two [other] surgeons had already turned me away for being too complex a case. Whereas, Elena’s approach to my body was neutral and pragmatic. She didn’t treat my boobs as if they were too odd and misshapen to fix

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A skilled surgical team will deliver the most favourable results and it’s worth the higher price. Corrective procedures for when your results aren’t perfect the first time, can be expensive and unnecessary – getting the best outcome from the beginning will save you money, time and stress.

Woman with beautiful breast on pink background

The best clinics to visit are the ones offering first-class patient care. Post-operative care should ensure you recover comfortably and swiftly, with the best outcome possible. Our clinic is renowned for providing neat and discreet surgery scars, minimal pain and rapid breast lift recovery – direct results of exceptional surgical expertise.

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Breast lift patient

I had very little pain, no issues at all and the scars are hardly visible… I have the boobs I’ve always wanted

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Rated five stars on realself

What’s included in the cost of a breast lift with Elena Prousskaia?

The breast lift at my clinic starts at £8150. The cost entitles patients to an overnight stay, nutritious meals to aid recovery, peaceful and undivided bedside care, aftercare and unlimited follow-up appointments. Pain medication, general anaesthetic and dressings are all included to ensure your experience is as comfortable as possible.

What you get for the cost of the breast lift

  • Exceptional surgical skill

  • Medication and anaesthetic

  • A neat outcome enables the best recovery and aesthetic result

  • Overnight stay at our clinic

  • Nutritious food and drink

  • Private room and undivided bedside care

  • Dressings and medication for home recovery

  • Comprehensive aftercare and advice

  • Free follow-up appointments and unlimited correspondence

  • Ongoing support and advice

Additional costs to consider

To ensure the best care from myself and my team of medical professionals, we ask for a small investment to cover pre-operative consultation and assessment fees. Free consultations can be too brief, leaving you with more questions than answers.

Your initial consultation costs £250, we will assess your case, your desired results and the most likely approach required. You’ll get a rough idea of costs at this stage. You can use this time to ask any questions about the procedure. Our patients can book as many follow-up consultations as necessary, completely free of charge. Don’t forget, you can always contact us with questions, right up until your procedure.

Once we’re confident with the surgical approach, we’ll ask you to come in for a comprehensive assessment where we analyse and plan your unique treatment. This assessment will require a one-time payment of £300. After your medical assessment with the consultant plastic surgeon, we’ll provide a quote for the procedure – from there, it’s up to you to make the decision.

What can affect the cost of a breast lift?

Clinics provide guidance costs because many factors could affect your final quote. Your age and BMI could put you in a higher risk category, meanwhile, the complexity of your case or the combination of procedures will impact the price.

Severely drooping breasts require a more advanced correction, costing you more. With the removal of significant excess skin and breast tissue, you may also need breast implants to restore lost volume from the breast lift.

Different types of breast uplift procedures will sacrifice varying amounts of skin and breast tissue. The most appropriate technique will depend on your condition and desired outcome. I always prioritises your preference.

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Breast lift patient

I was sure I didn’t want implants. Elena completely supported this, whereas…other surgeons pushed the idea of implants and disregarded my want for just a mastopexy.

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If you choose to combine cosmetic procedures, the price of your surgery will increase. Breast augmentation, breast reduction, areola reduction and tubular breast correction are typically paired with a breast lift for the most successful outcome. For a full-body transformation, consider the Mummy Makeover surgery.

Which is cheaper a breast lift or breast augmentation?

The breast lift is a more technical procedure than an augmentation so it’s more costly. Implants don’t lift the existing breast tissue, but they can give the illusion of perkier boobs if the upper pole is deflated. For severe breast sagging, a breast augmentation alone won’t be sufficient.

Many patients choose to enhance the size and shape of their lifted breasts with breast augmentation – the procedures are commonly combined. This is especially popular with women who’ve lost weight or finished breastfeeding and are looking to address their deflated breasts.

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Restore youthful and feminine breasts

Your Breast Lift journey starts here

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the financing options for breast lift surgery?

We offer Chrysalis finance. You can pay for your treatment in instalments with 0% APR available. Simply choose the deposit amount you can reasonably afford and split the remaining loan balance with zero interest when paid over 12 months or less.

Will combining a breast lift with other procedures affect the overall cost?

By combining procedures, you reduce the overall surgery and recovery time compared to separate operations. You can improve your outcome while also avoiding unnecessary costs. Medication costs and your hospital stay should not change but the additional time and skills required by your surgical team and breast implant costs (if you need an augmentation) will add to the overall price.

Are there cost differences between traditional breast lifts and minimally invasive techniques?

Minimally invasive techniques include the crescent or round-block breast lifts. These remove minimal amounts of excess skin and breast tissue and are usually less technical. While these breast lift techniques can be cheaper, they are usually secondary to other procedures for correcting very minor breast sagging.